The New Generation of Virtual Reality

The New Generation of Virtual Reality

Imagination Recreation licensed and distributes virtual reality settings to the users of our product, we sell an experience. Through our advanced technological equipment that allows the mind to live vicariously in its subconscious, users of our products are able to take a realistic venture into their dreams.

Investors in the company Imagination Recreation have insisted on releasing information based upon firsthand accounts of our trial runs with the users of the Virtual Dream Machine, DreamWorks 3.

The experience users of DreamWorks 3 have while using the device will be assessed and recorded. Immediately after every use of DreamWorks 3, users must answer a series of questions about their awareness of reality.

All information collected will be made public.

User #9021 "Tessa Villalobos"

Collected Data from User #9021 “Tessa Villalobos” on April 27, 2033. 1:48pm PST.

Dr. 650
“You’ve just completed your second session in the DreamWorks 3 Series, thus enabling you to have a realistic experience in your virtual subconscious. How do you feel?”

#9021 “Tessa”
“Jesus Christ! What the eff?! I just had another *censored* sexual encounter! This is getting weird, and I’m not enjoying it!”

Dr. 650
“Can you describe…”

#9021 “Tessa”
“No! Jeez, my heart won’t stop racing. Look, can you please just tell me what is happening? Why do I feel like I am cheating on my husband every time I come here? I don’t want to have these experiences.”

Dr. 650
“I do not have those answers. But I need to know what you did in fact experience, so that we can assess your current state of mind in reality.”

#9021 “Tessa”
“I had sex with Jules Posner, the standup comedian. My husband and I just saw him perform comedy the other night, and in my head I had sex with him in as many areas of my house as possible. In the kitchen, on the stairs, in the bed I share with my husband.”

Dr. 650
“Are you aware of difference between who you are while using DreamWorks 3 and who you are here, in reality?”

#9021 “Tessa”
“I get the difference between dreams and reality! But when your dreams feel this real, you cannot deny how that will actually affect my ability to function in reality. How do I look at my husband when I feel like I just boned Jules Posner for no damn reason? I do not feel well. Can I just go home? I think I’m going to throw up.”

Dr. 650
“Just one more question nine-zero-two-one, how will you be interacting with your husband when you see him next?”

#9021 “Tessa”
“I’m just going to do what I did last time, try to hold it together and not cry about it in front of him.”

Dr. 650
“Thank you, nine-zero-two-one.”

User #9058 "Billy Simon"

Collected Data from User #9058 "Billy Simon" on April 22, 2033. 11:13am PST.

Dr. 626
“You’ve just completed your fourth session in the DreamWorks 3 Series, thus enabling you to have a realistic experience in your virtual subconscious. How do you feel?”

#9058 “Billy”
“Why does everyone always ask that stupid question?”

Dr. 626
“Because it is relevant.”

#9058 “Billy”
“Well, it’s annoying. I had fun this time with DreamWorks, except for the constant nausea. But I was Batman for the last twenty-three minutes.”

Dr. 626
“You spent the whole session in one sequence? In one dream?”

#9058 “Billy”
“Yeah, I was flying around in a black cape and everything. But I was here, in *named of city omitted from records* and I was looking for some crime boss named Richard Madsen. The name sounds familiar but I’m not sure who that is. Oh, and I was also supposed to be deciphering this code. Here, do you have a pen?”

Note: User #9058 stood up and grabbed a marker out of Dr. 626’s pocket and began to write on the wall. The image spelled out  series of letters and numbers:

#9058 “Billy”
“Do you know what this means? I can’t believe I remembered it, but I guess everything did feel like it was real. I did just read this a couple of times in the last twenty-three minutes.”

Dr. 626
“Well, I’m not quite sure myself, but it looks like some sort of code, something to interpret maybe. Have you had any recent dreams involving any Free Media or Culture outlets?

#9058 “Billy”
“No dreams about Free Media but I had a Batman dream last night because I did just watch Batman VII two nights before last. And I remember finding a pamphlet in my daughter’s room about Students for Free Culture about a week ago. Is that what you are talking about?”

Dr. 626
“That could possibly explain the origin of your dream. But we are concerned with your awareness of reality. Do you think you are Batman?”

#9058 “Billy”
“Uhh no… I’m Billy Simon. And I want a cigarette.”

Dr. 626

User #9087 "Drew McStinson"

Collected Data from User #9087 "Drew McStinson" on April 19, 2033. 2:07pm PST.

Dr. 949
“You’ve just completed your third session in the DreamWorks 3 Series, thus enabling you to have a realistic experience in your virtual subconscious. How do you feel?”

#9087 “Drew”
“Awesome. I feel awesome.”

Dr. 949
“Can you please describe what your experience was using DreamWorks 3?”

#9087 “Drew”

Dr. 949
“What? Nine-zero-eight-seven, are you aware of your reality?”

#9087 “Drew”
“Yeah man, let’s go see these nine-feet tall aliens.”

Dr. 949
“Nine-zero-eight-seven, you are in a high security facility in *name of city omitted from records*, there are not any aliens in the area.”

#9087 “Drew”
“What are you talking about? I just saw one five minutes ago. Is he hiding? What happened to the armies of water bottles?”

Dr. 949
“Nine-zero-eight-seven, we need you to lay back and breathe deeply. We are concerned about your awareness of reality. We are going to keep you here for some more tests.”

Note: User #9087 was unable to distinguish reality from virtual reality for twenty-seven minutes and fifty-three seconds. This is the longest period of time any user has been out of touch with reality because of their use of DreamWorks 3. We are working and researching to resolve the potential detriments. 

User #9009 "Hope Finnity"

Collected Data from User #9009 "Hope Finnity" on April 15, 2033. 4:33pm pst.

Dr. 415
“You’ve just completed your first session in the DreamWorks 3 Series, thus enabling you to have a realistic experience in your virtual subconscious. How do you feel?”

User #9009 “Hope”
“I don’t know. Pretty good, I guess.”

Dr. 415
“Are you able to distinguish reality from virtual reality?”

User #9009 “Hope”
“Yeah, I’m fine. I know where I am. But that machine thingy made my dreams feel real. It felt like I could really feel whatever was going on in my head.”

Dr. 415
“Can you describe your experience?”

User #9009 “Hope”
“Yeah, it was freaking great! It was as if I was in a video game. You know that video game that they made after the tales of Space Traveler? It felt like that. I was jumping from planet to planet, traveling through space but in the style of that old-school video game Halo, you know that point of view, right? Yeah, it was like that and it was cool.”

Dr. 415
“Were you able to control your imagination? Or did you feel like it was controlling you?”

User #9009 “Hope”
“No, no. I was in control. At least I think I was.”

Dr. 415
“We need you to be sure.”

User # 9009 “Hope”
“It was fine. I was aware of what I was doing, and I made all the decisions about where the next destination was in my mind.”

Dr. 415
“Thank you nine-zero-zero-nine. We will be contacting you for further examinations.”

User #9067 "Al Johnson"

Collected Data from User #9067 "Al Johnson" on April 8, 2033. 1:23pm PST.

Dr. 949
“Hello nine-zero-six-seven. You’ve just completed your second session in the DreamWorks 3 Series, thus enabling you to have a realistic experience in your virtual subconscious. How do you feel?”

Dr. 949
“Nine-zero-six-seven, how are you feeling?”

Dr. 949
“Nine-zero-six-seven, can you hear me?”

#9067 “Al”
“Yes, I can hear you.”

Dr. 949
“Can you tell me what you were experiencing while using DreamWorks 3?”

User #9067 “Al”
“I want to go back in. I want to go back into my head.”

Dr. 949
“You know we are not allowed to let you do that nine-zero-six-seven. Our sessions have time limits, we cannot extend the use of your…”

User #9067 “Al”
“I have a name! It’s Al. And I need to go back in; I have to see her again. I have to see Diane.”

Dr. 949
“Diane is your deceased wife, correct? What else did you experience in your active dream?”

User #9067 “Al”
“…It was just my dead wife, but she wasn’t dead. We were on our Spacecation, the one we went to two years ago, before her cancer returned. We traveled to the Rings of Saturn Resort. She had Venus Roses in her hair, and she smelled of cinnamon. Please, just let me go back, let me be with her!”

Dr. 949

User #9067 “Al”
“My name is Al!”

Dr. 949
“Okay, Al. We sincerely apologize for the agony you are experiencing at the moment. But we need you to talk to us about your experience so we can understand why you experienced what you did while using DreamWorks.”

User #9067 “Al”
“Shut up. You do not know what I am feeling, so do not pretend to apologize for any of it. Look, that’s all that I dreamed. I was just with my wife and it was the happiest I’ve been since she died. We were just happy, sitting in the hotel room looking at the view. We were so happy…”

Note: User #9067 put his head into his hands, and became silent until tears started to appear. The session was terminated after this statement.

User #9042 "Victoria Cabigas"

Collected Data from User #9042 "Victoria Cabigas" on April 1, 2033. 10:47am PST.

Note: The session for User #9042 was terminated early due to unforeseen physical damage caused by the patient unto herself while under the influence of DreamWorks 3.

Dr. 650
“Nine-zero-four-two, do you know why we terminated your session early?”

#9042 “Victoria”
“I’m sorry, but I have no idea. Is everything okay? I don’t understand why my wrists are bleeding. What happened? It feels as if I passed out. Why is my heart racing?”

Dr. 650
“We are unable to specify why you had the reaction to the Virtual Dream Machine that you did, but we are working to figure this out. We stopped your session because you were violently thrashing in your station, and we were concerned for you safety. Your vitals and brain activity were showing severe signs of increased adrenaline. Do you remember what you were experiencing in your subconscious?”

#9042 “Victoria”
“Sort of. It started off with strange short sequences of the alley behind my high school and maybe the time when I was fifteen and my dad was teaching me how to drive. But what I really remember is, I was in the garage of my old apartment and the guy who lived next door, the jerk who assaulted my roommate, was standing behind me in the garage.”

Dr. 650
“Mhmm, have you had any previous altercations with this man?”

#9042 “Victoria”
“No, but I’ve thought many times of how I wanted to hurt him. The way he hurt Danielle.”

Dr. 650
“Okay, nine-zero-four-two, I need you to lay back, take a deep breath and think very hard about what happened in the garage.”

Note: User #9042 laid silently for seven minutes and forty-three seconds. At six minutes and twenty-seven seconds, User #9042’s wrists and hands began to shake.

#9042 “Victoria”
“I was killing him. I… I was… murdering him. Jesus! That felt so real. Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! No, no, no…”

Dr. 650
“Nine-zero-four-two, take a deep breath. In reviewing your records, it says you have had a previous addiction to Brain Slugs. Can you please inform us of when you abused slugs last?”

#9042 “Victoria”
“Why? Does that have anything to do with what just happened? Why my hands are bleeding and why I had such a psychotic dream with your stupid machine?”

Dr. 650
“Please answer the question. It might help us analyze and understand what happened here today.”

#9042 “Victoria”
“…Last night, with my boyfriend. We started using again. He just lost his job, and I didn’t want to say no.”

Dr. 650
“Brain slugs are a psychotropic drug, which alter brain function. Under the influence of slugs, brain waves become dense, which could explain your hysteria while using DreamWorks 3. This type of strain on your brain could have serious consequences. You were lucky today.”

#9042 “Victoria”
“It feels like I just committed a murder. I feel terrible, I just want to go home.”

Dr. 650
“We need to keep you here for just a little bit longer to run more tests on your vitals. But we must inform you that we cannot let you continue in our trial stages of DreamWorks 3 if you are under the influence of brain slugs. Please enroll in rehabilitation therapy and we will contact you for further information.”

#9042 ”Victoria”
“Does this mean I’m not getting paid?”

Note: User #9042 experienced a virtual dream that she has no conscious memory of previously having. We believe that her use of brain slugs increased the vulnerability of her brain waves, thus causing damage to herself while using DreamWorks 3.

User #9021 "Tessa Villalobos"

Collected Data from User #9021 "Tessa Villalobos" on March 25, 2033. 12:13pm PST.

Dr. 818
“You’ve just completed your first session in the DreamWorks 3 Series, thus enabling you to have a realistic experience in your virtual subconscious. How do you feel?”

#9021 “Tessa”

Dr. 818
“Are there any other symptoms you’re experiencing?”

#9021 “Tessa”
“Besides the nausea? My heart is beating really fast; I don’t know how to slow it down. It's kind of scaring me.”

Dr. 818
“Deep breaths, nine-zero-two-one. Now, what did you experience while using DreamWorks 3?”

#9021 “Tessa”
“I don’t know. I don’t think I want to talk about it, it was very strange.”

Dr. 818
“These are trial studies for which you are paid to describe in detail what you’ve experienced using DreamWorks. If you refuse to do so, then you will be held in contempt.”

#9021 “Tessa”
“Okay, well, at first I found myself at the San Francisco Yankees Baseball Stadium. It was dusk, and the sky was tinted orange and purple. I was standing in the middle of the field and there was no one there, but I could hear screaming and cheers as if the stadium were full of people. And then Jack1796, that robot who is playing baseball, was right behind when I turned around. When I saw him, the sound of the crowd began to fade away.”

Dr. 818
“Did you interact with him?”

#9021 “Tessa”
“We did more than interact. I, um, I had sex with him… I had sex with a robot. Ugh, it was all so real. Right there, in the middle of the stadium. He just started kissing me, and I didn’t stop him.”

Dr. 818
“Users of DreamWorks 3 only visit dreams that they’ve already had. Have you ever dreamt or imagined about having intercourse with Jack1796?”

#9021 “Tessa”
“Oh my god, absolutely not! I mean I’ve had sex dreams before, but never with a freaking robot!”

Dr. 818
“Thank you nine-zero-two-one. Is there anything else that you experienced in your subconscious?”

#9021 “Tessa”
“No, that was it; sex with a robot on a baseball field. This crap is way too creepy.”

Dr. 818

Note: User #9021 experienced a virtual dream that she has no conscious memory of previously having. This is the first recorded session where a user has engaged in an inexperienced dream.

User #9087 "Drew McStinson"

Collected Data from User #9087 "Drew McStinson" on March 18, 2033. 11:07am PST.

Dr. 626
“You’ve just completed you first session in the DreamWorks 3 Series, thus enabling you to have a realistic experience in your virtual subconscious. How do you feel?”

#9087 “Drew”
“Uhh, I feel like I'm going to puke. That…was…wild."

Dr. 626
“What other physical symptoms are you currently feeling?"

#9087 "Drew"
"I feel a pain in left elbow, and this eye can't stop twitching." 
User #9087 points to his left eye.
"And then there is a tingling sensation in every nerve in my body. Is that normal?"

Dr. 626
"Every person who uses DreamWorks 3 has different physical reactions. Can you describe your experience in detail?"

#9087 "Drew"
"Yeah well, uhh, I guess it started off really fuzzy. All I remember is blurs and flashes of weird images like Bambi and then my kid sister when she was, like, seven. And then it transformed into this world I thought I'd been to before. It was this weirdo city, completely on water. And everyone traveled in boats, and I was there rummaging through the, I don’t know, I guess marketplace area, looking for this ridiculous looking clock. There were a bunch of bright colorful boats that towered over the little ones that people traveled on. It was busy like a city, but beautiful with color, like I was in India or something. Halfway through it, I met this old, greasy looking guy who told me where I could find the clock, but that I needed to hurry or he would die. And then when I started to go to where he told me to go. Well, I guess that was when the session was over because I remember waking up really fast and slamming onto the floor onto my left elbow."
User #9087 points to the fresh bandage on his left elbow.

Dr. 626
"Are you able to distinguish reality from virtual reality?"

#9087 "Drew"
"Yeah, I mean, I get it. I am here; this is real. And a world with water, and boats and marketplaces isn't. But, that was a trip. I want to go back. Is it possible to go back? When will I be able to do it again?"

Dr. 626
"We do not allow our users to take extended trips into their subconscious. This is a trial period for DreamWorks 3 and it's users. We have not completely assessed the extent of the effects of virtual reality on the mind. You will have to wait until we contact you for further examination."

#9087 "Drew"
"I don't know if it is safe to say this, but virtual reality is more interesting than actual reality."

Dr. 626