The New Generation of Virtual Reality

The New Generation of Virtual Reality

Imagination Recreation licensed and distributes virtual reality settings to the users of our product, we sell an experience. Through our advanced technological equipment that allows the mind to live vicariously in its subconscious, users of our products are able to take a realistic venture into their dreams.

Investors in the company Imagination Recreation have insisted on releasing information based upon firsthand accounts of our trial runs with the users of the Virtual Dream Machine, DreamWorks 3.

The experience users of DreamWorks 3 have while using the device will be assessed and recorded. Immediately after every use of DreamWorks 3, users must answer a series of questions about their awareness of reality.

All information collected will be made public.

User #9087 "Drew McStinson"

Collected Data from User #9087 "Drew McStinson" on March 18, 2033. 11:07am PST.

Dr. 626
“You’ve just completed you first session in the DreamWorks 3 Series, thus enabling you to have a realistic experience in your virtual subconscious. How do you feel?”

#9087 “Drew”
“Uhh, I feel like I'm going to puke. That…was…wild."

Dr. 626
“What other physical symptoms are you currently feeling?"

#9087 "Drew"
"I feel a pain in left elbow, and this eye can't stop twitching." 
User #9087 points to his left eye.
"And then there is a tingling sensation in every nerve in my body. Is that normal?"

Dr. 626
"Every person who uses DreamWorks 3 has different physical reactions. Can you describe your experience in detail?"

#9087 "Drew"
"Yeah well, uhh, I guess it started off really fuzzy. All I remember is blurs and flashes of weird images like Bambi and then my kid sister when she was, like, seven. And then it transformed into this world I thought I'd been to before. It was this weirdo city, completely on water. And everyone traveled in boats, and I was there rummaging through the, I don’t know, I guess marketplace area, looking for this ridiculous looking clock. There were a bunch of bright colorful boats that towered over the little ones that people traveled on. It was busy like a city, but beautiful with color, like I was in India or something. Halfway through it, I met this old, greasy looking guy who told me where I could find the clock, but that I needed to hurry or he would die. And then when I started to go to where he told me to go. Well, I guess that was when the session was over because I remember waking up really fast and slamming onto the floor onto my left elbow."
User #9087 points to the fresh bandage on his left elbow.

Dr. 626
"Are you able to distinguish reality from virtual reality?"

#9087 "Drew"
"Yeah, I mean, I get it. I am here; this is real. And a world with water, and boats and marketplaces isn't. But, that was a trip. I want to go back. Is it possible to go back? When will I be able to do it again?"

Dr. 626
"We do not allow our users to take extended trips into their subconscious. This is a trial period for DreamWorks 3 and it's users. We have not completely assessed the extent of the effects of virtual reality on the mind. You will have to wait until we contact you for further examination."

#9087 "Drew"
"I don't know if it is safe to say this, but virtual reality is more interesting than actual reality."

Dr. 626

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