The New Generation of Virtual Reality

The New Generation of Virtual Reality

Imagination Recreation licensed and distributes virtual reality settings to the users of our product, we sell an experience. Through our advanced technological equipment that allows the mind to live vicariously in its subconscious, users of our products are able to take a realistic venture into their dreams.

Investors in the company Imagination Recreation have insisted on releasing information based upon firsthand accounts of our trial runs with the users of the Virtual Dream Machine, DreamWorks 3.

The experience users of DreamWorks 3 have while using the device will be assessed and recorded. Immediately after every use of DreamWorks 3, users must answer a series of questions about their awareness of reality.

All information collected will be made public.

User #9042 "Victoria Cabigas"

Collected Data from User #9042 "Victoria Cabigas" on April 1, 2033. 10:47am PST.

Note: The session for User #9042 was terminated early due to unforeseen physical damage caused by the patient unto herself while under the influence of DreamWorks 3.

Dr. 650
“Nine-zero-four-two, do you know why we terminated your session early?”

#9042 “Victoria”
“I’m sorry, but I have no idea. Is everything okay? I don’t understand why my wrists are bleeding. What happened? It feels as if I passed out. Why is my heart racing?”

Dr. 650
“We are unable to specify why you had the reaction to the Virtual Dream Machine that you did, but we are working to figure this out. We stopped your session because you were violently thrashing in your station, and we were concerned for you safety. Your vitals and brain activity were showing severe signs of increased adrenaline. Do you remember what you were experiencing in your subconscious?”

#9042 “Victoria”
“Sort of. It started off with strange short sequences of the alley behind my high school and maybe the time when I was fifteen and my dad was teaching me how to drive. But what I really remember is, I was in the garage of my old apartment and the guy who lived next door, the jerk who assaulted my roommate, was standing behind me in the garage.”

Dr. 650
“Mhmm, have you had any previous altercations with this man?”

#9042 “Victoria”
“No, but I’ve thought many times of how I wanted to hurt him. The way he hurt Danielle.”

Dr. 650
“Okay, nine-zero-four-two, I need you to lay back, take a deep breath and think very hard about what happened in the garage.”

Note: User #9042 laid silently for seven minutes and forty-three seconds. At six minutes and twenty-seven seconds, User #9042’s wrists and hands began to shake.

#9042 “Victoria”
“I was killing him. I… I was… murdering him. Jesus! That felt so real. Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! No, no, no…”

Dr. 650
“Nine-zero-four-two, take a deep breath. In reviewing your records, it says you have had a previous addiction to Brain Slugs. Can you please inform us of when you abused slugs last?”

#9042 “Victoria”
“Why? Does that have anything to do with what just happened? Why my hands are bleeding and why I had such a psychotic dream with your stupid machine?”

Dr. 650
“Please answer the question. It might help us analyze and understand what happened here today.”

#9042 “Victoria”
“…Last night, with my boyfriend. We started using again. He just lost his job, and I didn’t want to say no.”

Dr. 650
“Brain slugs are a psychotropic drug, which alter brain function. Under the influence of slugs, brain waves become dense, which could explain your hysteria while using DreamWorks 3. This type of strain on your brain could have serious consequences. You were lucky today.”

#9042 “Victoria”
“It feels like I just committed a murder. I feel terrible, I just want to go home.”

Dr. 650
“We need to keep you here for just a little bit longer to run more tests on your vitals. But we must inform you that we cannot let you continue in our trial stages of DreamWorks 3 if you are under the influence of brain slugs. Please enroll in rehabilitation therapy and we will contact you for further information.”

#9042 ”Victoria”
“Does this mean I’m not getting paid?”

Note: User #9042 experienced a virtual dream that she has no conscious memory of previously having. We believe that her use of brain slugs increased the vulnerability of her brain waves, thus causing damage to herself while using DreamWorks 3.

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